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СКЭНАР-терапия Литература События и мероприятия

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© by Dr. Irena Kossovskaia, May 2006

This essay came as a result of an interview with Alexander Karasev (AK), which I promised to OneMedicine newsgroup. The interview aimed at ‘demystifying’ the COSMODIC technology — lately one of the most talked-about topics in the SCENAR world.

We know that SCENAR and COSMODIC are not the same thing and differ in their core working principles; we know that SCENAR challenges the body’s adaptive reactions whereas COSMODIC enhances and trains them for optimization; we also know that only LET Medical SCENARs incorporate the COSMODIC technology (which is a brainchild of Dr. Karasev) and that the professional 735 model features a combination of SCENAR and COSMODIC, while the personal 715 model is a pure COSMODIC. We even know that clinical COSMODIC effects are much softer and more gradual that the SCENAR effects, without losing any efficiency. Because of this quality, COSMODIC does not produce healing crises’ and, therefore, is ideal for personal devices. But what we don’t know is: what exactly is COSMODIC? What’s in the basis of this technology and how can it be combined with SCENAR?


When someone asks me about the essence of COSMODIC, I feel almost like that young military officer in one of my favorite movies “Men in Black”, a part of the group being tested on becoming an MiB, who, on the question ‘Why we are here?’, in a parrot fashion repeated the phrase that he just heard: “We are here because we are looking for the best of the best of the best”. It was obvious that he didn’t have a clue what the real purpose of the test was — and yet he very confidently answered the question… Well, I also explain what COSMODIC is to the best of my knowledge, and feel that ‘the best of my knowledge’ is frustratingly limited. The only comforting thought is that I am not alone in my frustration — the rest of the world at the moment is also rather clueless about COSMODIC.

Answers to all of our questions are hidden in the endless labyrinths of Alexander’s mysterious mind. The challenge is to get these answers out. You are reading the results of my third attempt to do so. A few lights went on for me in the process, yet I still have more questions than answers. Well, as we say in Russia, ‘Moscow wasn’t built in one day’. Acquiring knowledge is a journey that takes time; let’s just relax and enjoy it.

If I’d be capable of envy, Alexander Karasev would probably be the person I’d envy the most. He lives in the world that many of us only dream of — he is a free creator. He does not allow anything to stand on the way of his creativity (which often requires a serious attitude adjustment) and his outlook on life is amazing. He is a non-conformist, a free spirit: “That’s who I am and that’s what I do, and if you don’t like it — it’s your problem”. How many of us allow ourselves to be the same way? That’s why at times it’s so difficult for us to understand AK’s logic — and for him to understand ours.

For example, many wonder why LET Medical still didn’t obtain any certification for their excellent products outside of Russia. The answer is blatantly simple: because they don’t bother. Too much energy needs to be invested in it, too much time, which can be spent more efficiently on research and development. In AK’s case, this word combination actually carries its original meaning; LET Medical is a research laboratory, not a manufacturing plant. There is more on the drawing board there than you can imagine, and it is not all about SCENAR. Of course, they need to do some business to survive, but PROFIT is never a primary motivation for Alexander. Money has relative value to him: it is needed to buy freedom to bring his inventions to life and deliver them to people — that’s all. What else is money for? Power? Alexander couldn’t care less about power. Fun? But for him, ‘fun’ and ‘work’ are synonyms; his Monday starts on Saturday. Guess where the best place to catch him at midnight is? Correct, in his lab. At midnight on holidays? Correct again, in his lab. Alexander Karasev is not what we call ‘normal’, he is what we call ‘extraordinary’, and I presume that it is difficult for him at times to function in the ‘normal’ world (and we will leave the debates of what is ‘normal’ for some other time).

I think, AK often gets frustrated with my inability to immediately grasp what he is talking about and understand what, from his point of view, should be obvious. We are discussing, say, the difference between SCENAR and COSMODIC impulses, and he says “These two technologies work on different principles, but if you compare their signals on the screen, they look identical”. The statement is followed by my puzzled silence on the other end of the line; I am trying to digest this information. AK continues, “SCENAR signal contains many frequencies, which change and “float” when you touch the skin. COSMODIC works with the dynamics of these frequencies, with their spectral characteristics.” Dead silence on my end. AK might as well speak Chinese; I have no idea what he is talking about.

Alexander finally notices my stupor and mercifully explains again, “In other words, COSMODIC regulates not the shape of the signal, but rather the frequencies that regulate the shape of the signal. We fine-tune the spectral characteristics of the impulse.” Oh, God… “The original SCENAR impulse is used as a carrier only; there are other frequencies put on top. The feedback is still used, but it is different from the SCENAR feedback. More correctly, there are now many feedback loops.” ‘How many?’ — I finally display a sign of life and ask a question just to say something. “46.”

At this point we both need a break. It is obvious that we speak different languages and are both getting frustrated at not being able to comprehend where the other one is coming from. I suggest a compromise, “Sasha, please talk to me like I am an MD, ok?” Deep sigh on the other end of the line across Atlantic. “OK… The problem with designing medical equipment is that it is designed by engineers and not doctors. Engineers don’t know much about the human body, its physics and chemistry, and therefore doomed to make mistakes. We needed a device that emits a neuro-like impulse — but we actually don’t know how the nervous impulse looks like. Our sensitive equipment registers an impulse that has been severely transformed by wires and other parts of testing devices. So we tried to duplicate something that we’ve actually never seen.

Another mistake: we apply the ‘neuro-like’ signal to the skin, which has electrical characteristics. This changes the signal dramatically, so by the time our impulse reaches the nervous structures, it looks nothing like a natural neuro-impulse. My idea was to introduce to the body a signal, which is originally distorted in a way that when it reaches a nerve it looks like a neuro-impulse.” Now I am starting to see the light — and what a good feeling it is! “In order to achieve this, COSMODIC processes information from 46 feedback loops, calculates and re-calculates the coefficient of distortion, the coefficient of feedback turn-on, as well as dispersion, or the deviation of spectral characteristics…” My light is dangerously blinking. ‘Sasha, you are loosing me again…’ “OK, let’s just agree that assessment (or, as we habitually say, ‘diagnostics’) in the 715, which is a pure COSMODIC, cardinally differs from all other SCENARs and SCENAR-like devices.” Thank you, Sasha, that feels better.

“In order to preserve the particularities of a neuro-like signal, all components and parts in a SCENAR device need to be harmonized and coordinated; they have to have the same exponent (whatever that is — I. K.). If you want to build a real SCENAR, you need to know all of the coefficients that are implemented in the electronics; you need to make sure that every detail is compatible with the others. Plus you need to know how to register and measure the body’s responses and how to let these feedbacks lead the device functioning. SCENAR is a coherent system (informationally resembling a living system) — that is why it is virtually impossible to copycat. In fact, so far all such attempts failed.”

In Alexander’s view, a good SCENAR works like a tuning fork. It exposes the body to a harmonious tuning system; and if the device has a ‘floating’ signal spectrum (like the 715), it can tune itself into vibrations and frequencies of any organ or tissue in the body, re-establishing healthy vibrations and a coherent state of functional structures. In this way, you don’t even have to move the device along the skin; it will systematically tune itself to the different parts of the body while staying on one spot (let’s say, a finger J) — perceptive clients can actually feel which part of the body the 715 is currently working on. It consecutively screens the bodily structures, revealing pathologic causative chains (chronologic chains of events in the body that brought it into its current pathologic state). Apparently, the 715 (i. e. COSMODIC) is designed to target the root of the pathology rather than its manifestations.

Even though the 715 can accomplish its goal through pretty much any part of the skin surface, it is still recommended to spend a little time on finding an optimal area for treatment, so the device can do its job faster. These areas can be usually found in places of the main complaint, or in the direct projection of the pathology on the skin (if known), just as the classical SCENAR theory teaches us. The special ‘diagnostic’ mode in the device will help to identify the precise location — and after that all you need to do is to hold the 715 steadily on this spot, even slightly pressing on the device for better contact, until it gives you the ‘Dose’. Moving the machine is not advised, as it will confuse the device system and interfere with its finely organized functioning.

Dear reader, at this point I almost can hear your question, ‘But what about those ‘golden rules’ of SCENAR therapy, which relate to working with the SCENAR in constant motion?! Vectors, Rules for finding and working with small asymmetries, Christmas trees, Clouds and Watermelons? What about all those wonderfully effective ‘motion’ techniques developed by Dr. Yuri and proven many times in practice?!’ Alexaner’s answer is somewhat shocking. “It is out of desperation. To make bad SCENARs work.” Just like that. “These techniques, as well as the digital techniques of Objective mode, represent a genius solution to the problem, how to make poorly designed and built devices efficient. The devices, where all coefficients are lost…”

Here our conversation steps on some slippery ground. I’d rather stay in a challenging yet politically comfortable zone of SCENAR-COSMODIC comparison.


Now, when we know a little more about SCENAR (SC) and COSMODIC (CS) impulses, let’s compare their interaction with pathology.

In Alexander’s view, major healing in our body happens locally, in the vicinity of damaged tissues, and if involves nervous structures, it is mostly within the domain of spinal cord and its reflexes. The brain, our blessing and curse and often a major trouble-maker, gets involved in the process mostly only when it is turning chronic, i. e. when the body is unable to complete its adaptive reactions. Attempting to rectify the situation, the body informationally and energetically isolates the pathology, putting it under control of the brain. The brain takes its guardian job very seriously and forms a rigid energo-informational structure, called upon to protect the rest of the body and preserve its limited energy resources. This structure is called ‘Pathologic System (PS)’.

PS is the body’s compromise. It represents ‘incomplete healing’ yet provides for continuation of usual and necessary functioning of the system as whole. After a while the body gets used to the repetitive PS signals and learns to ignore them (develops tolerance). As we say in Russia, ‘bad peace is better than a good war’.

However helpful at the moment, this situation puts the Great Wall of China in the way of complete healing. The body ignores PS to begin with, and delicate adaptive mechanisms and reactions of the body cannot break tough bastions of PS anyway. The strong rigid order of Pathologic System is supported and guarded by the flashing red light in the brain structures — the Generator of Pathologic Overexcitement (GPE) — and as long as this red light is flashing, PS will live. The only way to heal is to somehow turn this light off, and then deal with pathology locally.

Both SCENAR and COSMODIC address the GPE, but in different ways. SCENAR gradually ‘erases’ the GPE by changing PS a bit at a time, so that the body (following the Orientation Reflex) wakes up from its blissful ignorance, notices disorder in its structures and puts attention and resources into restoration of the healthy order of things. Step by step, changes in PS will be reflected in the weakening GPE, until the red light stops flashing.

Unlike SCENAR, COSMODIC works primarily locally, within the domain of spinal cord. It enhances local adaptive reactions and ‘fills up’ the arch of spinal cord reflexes to the extent that the spinal cord gets fully involved in healing ‘in situ’ and does not transmit any pathologic signals ‘upstairs’. All healing resources are now utilized locally, healing is happening — and there is no more need for the brain to worry about protecting the rest of the body from unfinished adaptive reactions. It can rest assured that these reactions will be completed as they should.

In brief, due to its ability of enhancing local healing directly, COSMODIC essentially cuts the GPE off from the other elements of PS. Prevented from feeding pathologic impulses from ‘down below’, the GPE slowly disappears, until there is nothing to support the rigid structure of PS. The guard has died, viva freedom! The Pathologic System falls apart, so its elements can now be involved in normal functional activity of the body.


Apparently, this ability of COSMODIC to ‘add to’ healing efforts of the body directly and locally is something that also greatly promotes regeneration. Alexander and his team studied regenerative effect of various SCENAR and COSMODIC devices and found that the 715 model displays the highest regenerative potential, and the 735 (SC-CS mix) is the second runner up.

Alexander mentioned an interesting case of regeneration in a middle-age woman, who was completely scalped in a bad factory accident. The scalp was surgically re-attached, but soon rejected by the body, in spite of the fact that the woman was regularly treated with the SCENAR 97.4. Poor woman’s head represented one big open wound, with the naked bones showing through a thin layer of inflamed tissues. At this point she started treatments with the 715. After a while all the skin grew back on the skull — but more amazingly, her family doctor called Alexander one day in a state of shock, because he discovered that hair started to grow on the regenerated skin!

How was that possible? How did the body manage to restore the entirely lost structure? Did the 715 trigger something in the cellular memory? Certain observations suggest that the 715 (and the 735 for that matter) is capable of affecting the brain’s delta-waves, which contain our most ancient regenerative programs and which typically do not respond to any form of stimulation, including signals of other SCENAR models. Well, at this point we definitely have more questions than answers. And that is what makes SCENAR so attractively mysterious…

As we know, the regenerative potential depends a great deal on resources of stem cells in the body. Presumably, COSMODIC activates and directs those resources, which, unfortunately for us, are not unlimited. They are being affected by environmental pollution, electronic smog, inadequate nutrition and lifestyle, and, in particular, by chronic stresses and overuse of medication. On average, there are about 12 stem cells on every 1,000,000 cells in the body of a young child. Guess what is an average stem cell count after 50? 1–2.

Of course, this is ‘average’, meaning that some of us, who takes good care of themselves, have more — but it is still may not be enough to regenerate tissues and organs. Studies done by Alexander’s team on 15 men surviving a heart attack, who have been treated with the 715, showed complete regeneration of a heart muscle in younger men (in general, under 50) regardless of the severity of the attack, while older men healed with some remaining scaring.

An interesting observation also is that the regeneration effects of 715 are, apparently, more profound in Russia than in Sweden, where a lot of clinical data has also been accumulated on the use of LET Medical devices. Alexander’s assumption is that Sweden is, in general, more ‘overmedicated’ and ‘overstressed’ as a society than Russia and leads a less natural lifestyle, all of which depletes resources of stem cells and suppresses regeneration. I don’t have similar statistics for North America yet, but I’d expect it too be worse than in Sweden.

I think AK was surprised himself to discover that the 735 does not do as good a job on regeneration as the 715. He contributes it to the combination of SCENAR and COSMODIC in the 735, which, in his opinion, is not very beneficial, because these two technologies are rather different and use different types of feedback. It is like mixing apples and oranges. Alexander feels that the SC-CS mix works better than just SCENAR — but not as well as COSMODIC. Consecutively, he plans on modifying the 735 to leave only one ‘mixed’ mode in it and add one pure COSMODIC mode. Knowing Alexander, this new modification will not take too long to come into existence J.

The 715, by the way, has one more advantage over other SCENARs — none of the other models (including the 735) work as well on mucous membranes. New 715s have a special mode for that. The mode makes the electrical signals velvety soft, which is important to work on such highly conductive and fragile tissues. The mode turns on automatically as soon as you attach a vaginal or a rectal-vaginal remote electrode to the device. These electrodes are designed to work on mucous membranes and, apparently, it does not really matter where exactly these membranes are located. Therefore, the vaginal electrode, for example, can be successfully used on gums and tongue. Alexander has already tried this, very successfully, on his aching tooth. Like Lois Paster with his vaccines, a real scientist always tries his inventions on himself first...

My last question in this long interview with Alexander Karasev concerned the use of different SCENAR models on the same patient simultaneously. To my surprise and relief (because I do it all the time), AK looks at it quite favorably. Even though he does not like the SCENAR-COSMODIC combination in one device, it works well when devices are spatially separated. In this case, the body has a chance to compare and appreciate the better, which increases efficiency of treatment. The body chooses and follows the strongest device, and it is usually the 715, which ‘wins’ even if combined with the 735 in the same treatment (and, of course, if combined with 97.4 type devices). In Alexander’s opinion, “the more comparison the better” — so, my fellow SCENARists, let’s fearlessly combine and alternate, research and develop; let’s have fun with this, as Alexander Karasev does. Freedom to be creative is the greatest gift you can give yourself.

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